Friday, October 29, 2010

Dumb conclusions (the optometrist appointment)

I do not know if anyone has noticed, but anymore we tend to simply come to obscene conclusions that frankly make me want to laugh. Only in America could something like what happened to me yesterday happen. Me and my adopted sister met up and she had an eye appointment so just thinking OK we can spend time together I went. Besides she was uncomfortable with the doctor and one of the receptionists likes to follow her around, thus I came to help her out and like I said we could spend some time together. We went in and started looking at the glasses and I of course laughed at a few really bad ones I(EX: the ones with fake diamonds on them that looked so tacky it hurt) and then the doctor called her in. I started to go and sit down then he asked her if she would like her "friend" to come in. She did since she really does not like him, but alas she cannot find anyone else under her insurance plan. Thus I walked in and sat awkwardly in a chair and he asked her what her "friend's" name was and I responded. After wards we presumed to getting the glasses with the uncouth receptionist stalking us as we walked about and her peer helped my sister pick out glasses. When she would find a pair that my sister actually tried on out of their small selection she would turn to me and say "do you like her glasses? Let's see what your 'friend' thinks after all she should have a say in them (wink wink)". After almost bursting out laughing at the seams and them handing me some sarcasm on a silver platter my sister asked which glasses exactly her insurance fully covered. They pointed to the ten thick rimmed, eyebrow covering "oh my god I am in the fifties huge" glasses with bright colors and I made my move. I swiftly said "please do not even think of it! there is no way I will be seen in public with you with those! Are there any other ones?" - I set the trap the lady goes " well there are others but they are more expensive" "I see do not worry I am only joking, I love you". Bingo the place goes up in flames. The receptionist backed off and looked at us with a sigh of relief as I addressed the giant white elephant doing the cha cha in the room and the woman helping us let out an "awww!". My sister clenched her jaw and I could see the "after we get out of here I am going to kill you" look come out. She refused to even go to the bathroom in there out of the sheer agony that they thought we were a couple and dismissed the idea of anything else. Only in this day and age could something like that happen. Think about it. It used to be normal for men to kiss each other or girls to walk arm in arm or anything else. As opposed to the conclusion people always draw to with us that we are lovers, which is false concluding we are both straight. Now people jump to conclusions so fast my fiery brain, which will take any opportunity to be sarcastic and tease my poor sister is in complete bliss at the blunder so often made. My sister said I am not allowed to speak if I go with her to another appointment after that, but hey I had too many people to play with that decided to jump to a very wrong conclusion. Besides we know the truth and that is all that really matters.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Never give up

In my life I have been told countless times that I will never make it or do something or another and I always do. The biggest advice I can ever give someone is never give up. Aim high and try to hit it, but be realistic about it. For example when I was younger I had a severe speech impediment. I spoke fast, my voice skipped, and I stuttered. I never gave up, but I practiced my speaking until I had perfect English. It is so good people forget I am American because I have a slight accent that is commonly mistaken for British, thus never give up. It is never too late. Giving up can lower moral, but completing something gives you an extremely good sense of confidence and makes you feel good.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

love live learn

I wish I could tell you that things will be alright
It is hard to do when you never know
Life moves on
Sometimes it seems to stand still but it will move around you
love can last if you want it to,
but when you do not want it to you can find any reason to quit it
Love is what holds us all together
It brings peace, joy, and happiness
the feelings of not being loved can destroy you
thus let it flow and flow with life
do not let it get you down
you are worth more than that
love, live and learn do not stand still in the tide
love through living
live though learning
learn through loving
love is undefined
do not let anyone tell you otherwise
it can be anything you want it to be
except hatred
there is a fine line between the two
do not let it be hate
let it be love
learn all you can life is too short
live all you can because otherwise why live?
we all live, love and learn
Do not let it get you down
never let life get to you
and love all you can
life will move on