Monday, June 13, 2011


It is funny how life turns out. One moment you are down and the next you are up. I think when we are in those down points it gets hard to see the good in life and then when things are good all we can see is the good or some people only see what needs to be fixed. However I do not know about anyone else reading this but I tend to forget about the bad and I am happy just being myself and being where I am in life. It is funny that this time last year I was at a very low point since I had to go home from college and they thought I had an illness that I evidently did not have. Right now life is great. I have a wonderful guy, I have wonderful roommates, I am back at college and I am happy. It is funny though how life works out because I never thought I would be happy up here, but I am the happiest I have ever been. Go figure huh? With happiness it has been my experience that you have to look for it. Granted sometimes it will come to you, but when things are bad you can make them better if you only try. Funny thing is what makes us happy. For me it is acceptance and the fact that I am loved. Also getting good grades makes me extremely happy. It is different for everyone though for some people getting good grades will not fix a void and sometimes we are so busy we do not see the love in our lives. It is great to sit down and feel it when the opportunity arises.

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