Wednesday, June 30, 2010


love is strong
love is blind
love never fades
love never dies
love dying never existed
love is the greatest power
love holds us all together
love is hates better brother
love covers us all as an invisible force
love will continue after we all die
love cannot be found it finds you
love is harder to do than to hate
love saves lives
love is undefined
love hurts

Friday, June 25, 2010

the dance

the fireflies dance through the fields
like diamonds glittering as they dance
they entrance
the moon shines down on them
full and yellow it glows
the pond shimmers the lights
the dance goes on
the world is full of light
the country comes alive
as the bugs fly
the moon shines down as a spectator of the brilliance
the cats meow in song
the crickets join in
the frogs start in
the dogs starts to dance
the fireflies continue their brilliance
the summer night goes on
the country is alive
as the animals celebrate on
the glittering spectacle
the beautiful song
a world we forget
a world we can only watch
and dance on in song
the world we long
a world far away
it dances on and sings
no matter where we are
it moves on
with the season
we reason
and await the summer dance

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

your point?

OK for those who don't know my mind wanders in a million directions per hour or minute and I raise a million questions that I have to have answered before I can move on. Thus I always wonder one very big thing that gets on my nerves. Why cant we all get along? What is your point? Deep down we are all the same, no matter what your race your organs are the same. Sure some have different elements but everyone has something. For example sickle cell anemia. It is caused by misshapen hemoglobin and is predominantly an African American and African disorder since the ones who are recessive to it are immune to Malaria. Another Example every race and class deals with autism and mental disorders. In humanity we make a huge deal of your class and everyone I do not care who you are has something they laugh about with other races. For example I get called a cracker because I am white and some people assume that because I am poor I am uneducated, yet I go to an excellent college and am planning on becoming a psychiatrist. Also some people assume I do not speak English and try to speak to me in Spanish. FYI I was born in America and most people do speak English that live in America. Some of those same individuals whom criticize me and the rest of my class have children drop out of school or sime people find themselves homeless after losing a job. Yet as a species we still have to have rank. We show it by our clothing, our mannerisms, whether or not we have the newest and most fashionable car, how big our house is, and how much we spend on items. Some people even use their children to show it. For example working while in school versus not working. It is incompetent. No matter what you do you do not separate the idiots and jerks from the intelligent or kindhearted. Aas a race within one second your impression of an individual is marked and it sticks forever. It can change a little but it is in your unconscious part of your brain. Thus what is your point in making such a big deal of class and race why cant we all get along? I know how the human brain works. We are always looking for someone else to take the blame. In fact if you look at society and every race, religion, and culture everyone has persecuted the other. There is no one who is innocent from not doing such. We also want to feel above others and some want to push others down to compensate for their own insecurities and misfortunes. It is a hard reality but that is what I see every day of my life. It is rather annoying because we are all the same deep down. We have changed to be better adjusted for our environments and have gained immunities to protect us from the harshness of the world. We created religion to give us hope to whom believe and to feel a belonging that we are not the only ones who think there is something else out there who could have a part in the creation of the universe. After all science is just theories and so is what I think. At some point in time everything we believe was thought up. Like the caste system in India was created so the natives would not rebel from the Mideastern people that came and conquered. Thus at some point in time everything was a theory to be proven wrong or right. Thus what is the point in singling everyone out and grouping them? I have my theories but so does everyone else. To me it is idiotic but to others it just makes sense.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

The hole

I am in a hole
I cant get out
I scream for help
no one is around
I lose all hope
The light has long faded
I wish someone would hear
but no one does
everyone passes by unknowing
as I sit in the depths thinking
the light will never come
no one will ever find me
I mine as well give up
I will die soon
no one will care
I will die in my hole alone
in the hopeless loss of my mind
I curl up and fade
the heartbeat slows
it will not stop
I cry
no one hears
no one will understand
not unless they are in the hopeless hole
it is too deep and complex
it is a labyrinth
no one takes the time
I wish they would leave me here
in my hole of hopelessness
in the depths of my thoughts
no one can reach me
in the heart of my thoughts
I wish I could reach out
it is hard to understand
only the heart can
if you can understand your heart
you can understand the hole
it will never end
it goes on forever
no one will ever understand
not unless they take the time to understand
I scream looking for help
no one comes
the light has faded
until I have strength
I will never get out
the climb will take years
the journey will be hard
I want out of the hole
I know the way

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


actions speak louder than words everyone knows that
if you speak it the representation will be jumbled
if you show it everyone knows
in every language actions are understood
if you tell them you love them show it
if you beat them after wards then how can you say so?
if you tell them you hate them show it
if you hug them after wards then how can you say so?
don't confuse them
don't indulge them
show them
otherwise leave them
actions are an expression
they show the passion
passion is an action
and so a passionate person will tell you the truth
watch their body and you will know what they really feel
don't listen to the words
listen to the feeling in them
listen to your heart
if you can't then what is the point?
why possess one?
that is what intuitions are for
if you hear the passion
then believe them
listen to their action as they speak the words
everyone has their own words
everyone has their own language
everyone's actions speak so listen
otherwise be blind
live and be blind
live and never know their true feelings

Monday, June 14, 2010


I am caught between worlds
I dont know where to go
The snake is swirling around me strangling my throat
I dont know where to go
It is getting tighter
I call for help no one hears
My voice is faltering
It is tightening
where is help when you need it?
The worlds are at war
Which one to pick?
If we could all get along things would be simpler
Simplicity is not plausible
The snake it tightening
Mercy is not taken
does no one listen?
I am seeping into the great abyss
Why cant we all get along?
In flesh and blood we are all the same
but people separate us by nature
color, intelligence, wealth, and abilities or disabilities are taken into account
we are the same in the end
why fight?
Why cant we all get along?
nobody is perfect
no perfect world
perfection is boring
get over yourselves
stop strangling me and the millions of others as you try to separate us
You want to belong you are hurting others
you want perfection and to get rid of the other worlds
are you mad?
the snake is tightening
stop the madness it will loosen
You are killing millions until you do
but no one will ever understand
no one takes the time to truly understand
they label and decide your worthiness to be in their presence
No one will ever understand until they do