Sunday, June 20, 2010

The hole

I am in a hole
I cant get out
I scream for help
no one is around
I lose all hope
The light has long faded
I wish someone would hear
but no one does
everyone passes by unknowing
as I sit in the depths thinking
the light will never come
no one will ever find me
I mine as well give up
I will die soon
no one will care
I will die in my hole alone
in the hopeless loss of my mind
I curl up and fade
the heartbeat slows
it will not stop
I cry
no one hears
no one will understand
not unless they are in the hopeless hole
it is too deep and complex
it is a labyrinth
no one takes the time
I wish they would leave me here
in my hole of hopelessness
in the depths of my thoughts
no one can reach me
in the heart of my thoughts
I wish I could reach out
it is hard to understand
only the heart can
if you can understand your heart
you can understand the hole
it will never end
it goes on forever
no one will ever understand
not unless they take the time to understand
I scream looking for help
no one comes
the light has faded
until I have strength
I will never get out
the climb will take years
the journey will be hard
I want out of the hole
I know the way

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