Friday, July 23, 2010

the calling

it was two in the morning and Alice woke with a jolt. The dream she had was so vivid like it was real. She felt she had better listen to it, but did not want to believe it. She dreamed her world was about to turn upside down. She was the daughter of the French king. Today was the day they were to announce whom she was to marry. It would change her world. She wanted to stay in France with her brother but knew that would never happen.
Her father approached her early in the morning. The family gathered and her brother clutched his chair waiting for his father to say who the husband would be. It was rumored a deal was struck with England, but she did not want to believe it. The king came in ,smug about his decision and sat at the head of the table. "it has been decided then". He told everyone, "Alice, you are to marry the prince of wales, Richard". Charles got up with a jolt. He did not like this match. Richard had abused him as a child and the match meant the person he despised the most would be his brother. Not a happy match at all. "I will not stand for this!" He roared. Alice began to cry. She shared the same feelings as her brother, this was not a happy match. "What is wrong boy?! I am securing your future you should be happy for your sisters match and Alice one day you will be queen of France think of that!" howled the king. "I do not want to marry a tyrant I have heard stories." "forget the stories it will happen. you are to leave at once. They are to educate you in their ways and then in a few years you will marry him" "At once! Why not just banish her?! it would be less painful father." "Charles keep your mouth shut boy this is for the best of the country." "but I do not want to go to England!" cried Alice. "what is done is done you will have to except your fate."
Alice did not want to except her future. She cried every night, even after finding herself in England she cried. Lost in a country she did not know.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

the beach

waves hit your feet
ocean breeze goes through your hair like a comb
the sun rises in greeting
the dolphins dance their magical dance
life is good
swim during the day
walk the boardwalk at night
that is life
the people around you are your friends
everyone is here for a good time
love it and enjoy it
while it lasts
the sand goes coats your feet
you walk along the beach
the waves tumble through thumping like drums
the birds sing their song
and the humans dance to their music
life is good at the beach
dance and go with their flow
you will never regret it
you may never feel it
it is a part of your heart
it is a part of you love of life
live and love
dance the dance
be free

Thursday, July 15, 2010


with any disorder
no matter what it is
meds do not always work
no miracle drugs out there
you have to be able to work
you have to find your own cure
you have to follow your own path
for any disorder to find the right cocktail takes years
my case the average is two years
they are there to help
not to be leaned on
if you think that a pill can solve everything you are incompetent
they cant
the person has to be willing to change
the person has to be ready to change
do not use meds as an excuse to blame someone
they can change you
they do not always work
some take months
they are there in the beginning
they are there to help the winnings
they are addictive
they are hard
they can hurt you
they can make you better
you have to be ready for them
they cannot be ready for you
no one can force you
they are only the beginning
not the end of your issues
a pill cannot solve everything

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Everyone has a definition
they make their own path
they follow no one
they are deviants
Everyone says I am
I am a loner
I am a deviant
I love rules
I dance to my own tune
I love to hear others tune
others say I am a leader
others say I am a rebel
I am who I am
rebels make their own path
rebels do not follow other paths
only their own
if it is blocked they make it
if there is a challenge they face it
they have their own style
they have their own loves
they cannot be controlled
only if they are willing can it happen
the definition changes
from person to person
think what you want
I am who I am

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The locks

the birds chirp in the air
the path is yellow like the yellow brick road
the canal silently beside you
it lie in remembrance thinking of its past
the river runs beside you old and strong
it rushes like the wind
the river gives life
so does the canal
the trees bend over the path
they bow before the greatness that humanity has created
they bow before what was given back to nature
the crisp leaves fall gracefully
as the water trickles sweetly
the golden hues of a fall day
oh it looks like heaven!
the river on one side singing its drum line
the canal sings a sweet lullaby
the river carries the leaves to the Chesapeake
the canal lets them be and allows the fish to hide sleepily underneath
the chirping of birds singing in their joyful lull
the animals rustle as they get their homes ready for winter
the turtles loiter on the fallen branches
beauty and happiness is to be found
if you only look

Friday, July 9, 2010

let it be

sometimes you have to let go
sometimes it is best
let it go
or you could regress
humanity needs progress
so let it be
let the past go
what happened happened
there is no changing the past
let it go and feel relief
let it go and be free
let it go and keep a friend
grudges are the enemy
if we all hold grudges nothing would get done
people will be undone
their souls will fill with hatred
as they fill the void you created
let the peace flow in
laugh at it
do not blame others
let it be
let it be for the sake of others
let it be for your own sake
let it be for the sake of your health

And you thought that up all by yourself? Really?

Ok I work for Starbucks and sometimes you never know what people are going to say to you for example. One day I faked an Italian accent as I said Caramel Macchiato. My coworkers were all laughing and telling me how good it was and I started speaking American again. Well then the owner of the drink walked up to me and asked are you Italian I love your accent! I calmly replied no I am American. Then another time a woman walked up to me and started speaking Spanish. I calmly said no habla espanol and she replied with an OH! What language do you speak then? I told her I was American. She replied hehehe silly! Americans do not work for Starbucks and that is great you got your green card and have immigrated to our country. I replied no mam seriously I was born right down the street in the hospital. She did not believe me and walked away. Evidently many people think that just because I work there I am not American but I am. I once had the pleasure of Shocking a woman by informing her I do not live in the back room and I am not an elf. She thought that everyone that worked for the company was a elf there to make her drink whenever she pleased. I know I am short but wow. Where is your brain? We close at nine for a reason it is called I want to go home and play with my dog and blog! Seriously where do people think these things? That is totally some extreme bigotry like the people who think I am Irish because I have red hair. I am Danish. where do people get these things? My family has lived in America since the first colonization. in fact we were in it. The closest to immigration my family has is the danish great grandmother and it was her parents who immigrated here. Seriously where do people get these things? I have no accent I am not even southern so why? Does it really make you feel better? Because I am just laughing at you and glad that I am too short to see your face over the bar when you say something stupid. Like someone asked me what was wrong with my face. The fact is my cheeks are naturally rosy so it was not an allergic reaction. Not all redheads are pale and freckled some of us have golden tinted skin with no freckles and yes some do have brown eyes we are not all simply pale from head to toes.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


Ok for those who don't know me I get attached easily to things. Stick a python around my neck and you have given me a new friend. Baby and I will take care of it like my own. Sadly I guess I am too sensitive for my own good because I cried when I had to feed a scorpion a pinkie that I had just met. I don't know why I do it but I do. It is like the fact that if you show me a place I will say I like it and goes with my love to travel because I get attached to the people. I love people, animals, and objects. I love everything from the rock in the soil to the sun in the sky I just simply love the world.I dont know if it is a girl thing or what but hey I am who I am and I love this world. Frankly I do not get how someone could not because there is so much good. Granted there is bad I think I could write a book on bad and never leave my house if I held everything in, but there is so much good. There is good in everyone if you just look hard enough you will find it. With everyone if you look hard you can find something to love nobody is perfect we all make mistakes so try to look past them. Like a snake I love the colors even if they are poisonous or a person look at their good qualities as well as their bad. I know there are some people I myself avoid, but that is because I cannot stand their negativity and I don't like others bringing others down it is not my way. I love to have a good time and enjoy my company regardless of who it is just don't try and take my joy away and tell me the glass is half empty. It is a real downer and I know I am not alone in my thinking.