Friday, July 9, 2010

And you thought that up all by yourself? Really?

Ok I work for Starbucks and sometimes you never know what people are going to say to you for example. One day I faked an Italian accent as I said Caramel Macchiato. My coworkers were all laughing and telling me how good it was and I started speaking American again. Well then the owner of the drink walked up to me and asked are you Italian I love your accent! I calmly replied no I am American. Then another time a woman walked up to me and started speaking Spanish. I calmly said no habla espanol and she replied with an OH! What language do you speak then? I told her I was American. She replied hehehe silly! Americans do not work for Starbucks and that is great you got your green card and have immigrated to our country. I replied no mam seriously I was born right down the street in the hospital. She did not believe me and walked away. Evidently many people think that just because I work there I am not American but I am. I once had the pleasure of Shocking a woman by informing her I do not live in the back room and I am not an elf. She thought that everyone that worked for the company was a elf there to make her drink whenever she pleased. I know I am short but wow. Where is your brain? We close at nine for a reason it is called I want to go home and play with my dog and blog! Seriously where do people think these things? That is totally some extreme bigotry like the people who think I am Irish because I have red hair. I am Danish. where do people get these things? My family has lived in America since the first colonization. in fact we were in it. The closest to immigration my family has is the danish great grandmother and it was her parents who immigrated here. Seriously where do people get these things? I have no accent I am not even southern so why? Does it really make you feel better? Because I am just laughing at you and glad that I am too short to see your face over the bar when you say something stupid. Like someone asked me what was wrong with my face. The fact is my cheeks are naturally rosy so it was not an allergic reaction. Not all redheads are pale and freckled some of us have golden tinted skin with no freckles and yes some do have brown eyes we are not all simply pale from head to toes.

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