Thursday, July 15, 2010


with any disorder
no matter what it is
meds do not always work
no miracle drugs out there
you have to be able to work
you have to find your own cure
you have to follow your own path
for any disorder to find the right cocktail takes years
my case the average is two years
they are there to help
not to be leaned on
if you think that a pill can solve everything you are incompetent
they cant
the person has to be willing to change
the person has to be ready to change
do not use meds as an excuse to blame someone
they can change you
they do not always work
some take months
they are there in the beginning
they are there to help the winnings
they are addictive
they are hard
they can hurt you
they can make you better
you have to be ready for them
they cannot be ready for you
no one can force you
they are only the beginning
not the end of your issues
a pill cannot solve everything

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