Monday, April 4, 2011

Homeopathic care for ear infections

so I have mentioned before I am deaf in my right ear. What I have not mentioned is I get ear infections easily and in general I prefer herbal remedies. Thus right now I am sitting here smiling and enjoying the company of my darling roommate who happens to have an ear infection. Thus I put the treatment I grew up with in her ear. I take one clove of garlic and mince it. I then put it in about three tablespoons of olive oil and stick in the microwave for about 20 seconds. I let it col a bit since it is really hot so I do not burn anyone. I then have the person lay their head down with the ear up and stick three drops in. They then have to keep it in for 15 minutes. This works every time. I am getting a good kick out of her going around with her her head crooked with the medicine in. Our roommates and the people walking by are also getting a good kick out of it. After all how many times do you see someone with a spoon against someone and putting things in their ear? Looks weird, but hey it works. I cannot stop smiling during this process and she will be happy to move around afterwards.

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