Saturday, April 16, 2011

Project inspire

So this last week I did something amazing. It is called project inspire. Basically what we do is we go to a certain spot that needs help like this time around we went to a boy scout camp and then we fix it up or help them with whatever they need. It has to be in a certain parameter around my university if it is out of bounds then we cannot do it. This is totally awesome. I never knew that I could learn so much in one week. also we are now all friends. I am planning on doing this again in the summertime because I had so much fun. Also it feels great to be able to help others out and do something selfless. Granted what all we did the tables may rot and so will the signs. The logs will come back and no will ever know what we did, but we know and it is amazing. No one gets credit for our work but we do not care it is about helping others not ourselves. Out of any way I could have spent my break this was the greatest. I do not think there could be a better way to spend my break than doing good because when you lose yourself in service you have a tendency to not only want to do more, but it makes you feel good and you learn more about yourself and you get to meet so many amazing people that you never would have done so otherwise.

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