Friday, April 1, 2011

Rose for valentines day

So for Valentines day one of my friend's got me a yellow rose. I went to check on it last week to find it has new growth on it and is still alive and thriving in full sunlight. Evidently I am doing what is called rose propagation. This is the oldest technique of growing roses. All you do is plant a stem and it will grow if the conditions are right. In my case I guess the conditions are perfect. I seriously forget it was in water last week and it has been sitting in my window sill for over a month now. I guess I will be planting it soon since it obviously wants to live and it is a beautiful addition to my apartment. It even has a buddy in a basil plant that is growing in a pot right ext to it. It is really cool and is a good reminder of my friendship since true friendship is everlasting. It makes me smile every time I see it and knowing it is alive makes me simply grin and remember my friends.

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