Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Worrying/ caring

I do not know about anyone else but I am a worrier by nature. I love people to death. I even have a habit of having a place in my heart for my enemies. Thus when something goes wrong you can count on me to worry about them. I do not know why I do this, but I just do and I am sure I am not alone. I guess it is because I love people and I really try to see the good in them and I remember the times I have been in some type of trouble and the pain it left me in. I believe though that we all need someone to care about us. Just knowing seems to make the world a little better because it adds a warmth and can save a life. When you feel like no one cares it puts a darkness in your life that is hard to ignore. Besides in this world, in these days we need to look after each other and help each other. Otherwise how can we survive? It is hard to survive on your own with no one there to care about you. People do it but it is hard. I believe in the long run it is better to care than never to have cared at all and love as much as you can love.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

what is important in life

Sometimes it seems we get so caught up in our lives that we forget what is truly important. Especially here in America where we tend to get caught up in our technology and in our work or school or whatever. We never have enough time it seems to stop and smell the roses. I know when I am home from college I tend to do this. We seem to forget it is not money that is important or all those fancy objects in our lives including that brand new ipad or iphone, but it is love. It is our family and the joy of living. We are here on this planet for such a short period of time that we forget that we should enjoy our time and the people in it with us. I know when I take the time to eat lunch out with friends or go to a movie with my family it makes the day go so much better. Even just simply getting out of class and instead of hitting up the library going home and taking a nap to revitalize after a long day just makes life so much sweeter. I love it just when I make time for others in my schedule, but I love it even more when I make time for myself and pace myself as opposed to booking my schedule with everything I want to do. It is much healthier for you than running around and stressing yourself out. Family and friends are important and so are you.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Anymore the meaning of a friend is so construed. It used to be so simple and now in the society we live in now I wonder where everyone's heads have gone. In my mind a friend is someone who is there for you. They will never put you down and they are there for you. They will stick up for you and never stab you in the back. A friendship does not have goals nor does it have expectations. A friendship has love and is never overused. You do not use the other and you respect each other. Anymore I am questioned whether or not I am dating so and so because we are friends (even other girls it does not apply to one gender). I have found anymore that for some friends are just those people whom you hang out with. You may not even like them it is just to belong. What is the point? There should be love and you should be with them because you like to be around them. If they make you uncomfortable then once again what is the point? A true friend would never do that to you. Friends trust each other and stick up for each other. In my opinion that is what a good friend does.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

The temple

This is probably one of my favorite places to go during the week. It is relaxing and brings my mind to peace. I can think clearly without any interruptions. I am not endowed, so I am limited on what I can do but that does not matter to me. I still love it. I am at peace and that is all that matters. You never know who you will see and it makes me happy when people come with me. We go not just for that good feeling but because it is a good reminder of why we are here and what we need to do and it is an excellent place to pray. Also we can be close to our heavenly Father. I love the fact I can walk to the temple and adore it to no end. I am proud to call myself LDS and proud I can hold a recommend to go.


Ok so I am a college student and I go to Brigham Young University in Idaho. I love it dearly and the joys I have with my friends and roommates. I always find it funny though how many people misunderstand the college student. I have heard many myths about us and about my culture. For example I am a party animal because I am in college. Not true I love to study I like to party, but I am never wild. We do not drink so we have hot chocolate and root beer parties. Also on weekends we tend to watch movies or go around town and have some fun. I have never gotten into trouble nor do I plan to. Myth two people at a LDS college are just looking to get married. No this is false I will get married when I want to. Granted some are just here for that, but do not judge us on a select few. That is like judging a book by its cover and so not cool. Also fun facts about my college: we do not have frats or sororities and we take pride in an honor code. We have to be in at a certain time, but that is because when it comes down to it how many people are out late at night and not getting into trouble? It is to make sure we behave and focus on our studies. I am at a strict college, but hey I like it. I love the college student life and the whole idea of it. I cannot wait to graduate but right now I am enjoying my time here.