Thursday, September 16, 2010

Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)

This disorder is also called Multiple personality disorder. What it is is the patient has different parts of them and it is caused by dissociation. Disassociation is a natural way out mind fights things such as abuse and relieves the stress of the situation. Most people have some form of disassociation at a low level, but high levels of going it can cause you to create another personality. This happens because they tell themselves they are not there thus creating a false person to take the beatings. These personages are there every time to take in the abuse and thus never leave the mind. When the new being is out the person dissociates everything that happens in that time period. They can get on a bus and go somewhere, have full conversations, or anything else and not remember it. These personages have their own personality (hence the name multiple personality) and even have names most of the time. They even have different ages. It is like a piece of the person is broken off into a small bit and is put into that personality. These personages go so far as having their own favorite color and favorite jeans. These personages will even fall in love with people and will date people. Treatment for this is intense therapy and drugs. The only way to cure a person with DID is they have to want to combine the personalities and it happens over time. There is no miracle drug or anything the therapist has to get to the bottom of what created the personalities that exist. The only way to do this is to call the personality out and talk to it because it has its own memories that the person themselves has no recollection of. Some people say this disorder does not exist and it is in their head, but it does. There are cases that are well documented and research is being conducted in Hospitals such as Sheperd Pratt Hospital near Towson University.

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