Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I still remember

I still remember the day that changed my life forever. I was seventeen years old. It was a normal day. I went to work and was working late. I knew my doctor had not given me enough medication but I did not care. I ran out early. The redness started dripping down my face like water runs over it when washed. My wind pipes closed like a door but slowly. My face started to turn purple. I started shaking I was so scared. One of my coworkers yelled at me. I cannot even recall it because while she was yelling I was hanging on for life. My body started swelling like a frog puffs up in a mating call. The liquid started coming out of my pores like a summer storm. The person I was staying with rushed me to an emergency care facility. They put an oxygen mask on me and called 911. The EMT put the IV in my arm and worked fast to try to get some blood out for testing and gave me adrenaline and Benadryl shots. These few moves saved my life. I had to get ten shots. He messed my vain up. The hospital had to put the IV in my left foot. It was the only vain they could reach. They had to call someone in from a special department to do it. What sticks out to me about these fleeting moments is I would have died not surrounded by friends and family as I would have wished, but a single person. I still am thankful for what she did for me. I would not be here if she did not drive me to that unit. I would have died alone without my family, one friend there and that was it. I will never forget that night or the voice telling me to hold on. Death is painful but peaceful. If you can accept it. It was not my time and I am thankful to be here everyday of my life.

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