Tuesday, September 7, 2010


I tend to be a very cultural person. I have friends from very different backgrounds and have studied religions over and over again thus the issue that has arisen is very draining on my brain. For those who do not know a Jihad is a holy war in the Muslim religion. It is them fighting for their beliefs and protecting themselves. The reason I am bringing this up is a church in Florida has decided to publicly burn the Koran. This is big taboo I mean imagine for a christian burning a bible how that would affect you or the burning of the Torah if you are Jewish. For Mormons it would be the book of Mormon and any religion really the burning of their bible or other holy artifacts is painful. Thus there has already been demonstrations in Kabul over this matter. The American generals are worried for their soldiers if this becomes a jihad and frankly I do not blame the Muslim community for being upset because they have gotten a bad wrap lately. The ones I have known are very sweet and respectful. They are good people and I had to fight for them in conversations over their reputation. Sure the women may wear burkas, but we tend to forget freedom is different in everyone's eyes. The women have said before they feel free in their burkas because it protects them. I can understand this after going down the street today and getting a guy saying he will take me home during lunch for a good screw. Thus I can see how it would protect them from men. I would never wear one personally, but I understand why they do. I believe we need to lighten up on them and we need to leave them alone. This Koran burning thing is simply looking for trouble and thus it should not be done. The Muslim people should not be blamed for a few people's mistakes over a tragedy. They lost people in 9/11 too, we all did. We tend to forget that every religion and every culture has been attacked by another at some point in time (EX: Jewish people were seen poorly in medieval times and the Christians had to hide in the beginning). In the end though there is good and bad in every culture and religion. Thus I believe we need to let things be and leave them alone they are angry with us Americans over our treatment of them and frankly I cannot blame them at all. I just do not want to see a Jihad over someone burning the Koran and being proud of it.

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