Friday, August 20, 2010


OK I am going to admit one very big fact about me. I LOVE books! Seriously I have my own library they are even in alphabetical order on my bookshelf and more hanging out in my closet and on my desk and dresser.. I never noticed how many I had until I just started packing them. I am moving so I did not think about it. Every time I go to the beach I get a book because it gets a beachy smell that I adore and then I have a Barnes and noble card, hence 30% off. then if you get me nothing else for a present for any occasion get a book just check my collection first and you will make my day. I have been an avid fan since I was a little girl and own everything from Shakespeare's hamlet to a few extra copies of Harry Potter. This is my one passion. Some women spend a lot on shoes or purses my splurge is a really good book.

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