Monday, August 9, 2010

life is funny sometimes

You know I have been doing a lot of thinking. Sometimes you just never know how things will turn out. Think about it, within three days because of one phone call I found myself on plane back to Maryland. Not I am moving to an apartment that requires documentation that my dog was neutered. I mean think about it you just never know how things will turn out. One minute you are on top of the world the next you are on the bottom begging others for mercy. Anymore you never know what will happen. You figure my life has been changed in a day with a few simple words of "she is deaf in her right ear. We do not know why" or the inevitable "Ms. Powers, I am sorry, but you have bipolar disorder and Post traumatic stress disorder we have to start treatment immediately." Just these few sentences have changed my life. I am on a long road to recovery. I feel very alone throughout this because the only person who can truly help me is me. Think about it that is how it is for everyone. Only you can help yourself. You can get support but when it comes to healing you are your own maker. It may seem cruel, but it is the truth I am sorry to say. Take the love that is out there for you, but know only you can truly help yourself when you are ready for it. you set your own limits not others. Sure sometimes things happen and we are at the mercy of others, but this has to be in order for us to grow we must learn from each other. Life is funny how it works, but it is beautiful.

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