Friday, August 27, 2010


Ok this is topic that tends to interest me. For those who do not know a person is born a sociopath. They are also called psychopaths and recent studies have proven a theory I thought of all along. What makes one? What it is is an imbalance in the brain like bipolar and schizophrenia. It is genetic and it controls the frontal lobe which controls your thought processing and thus your decision making. These individuals do not have emotions. They do not feel. One killer actually has no clue how many people he has killed because he never counted and has no conscience about it. Due to this recent neurologists and psychologist have done some tests. They scanned the brain which showed less activity in the frontal lobe than a normal brain, thus affecting their emotions. These people were born to kill. One question that has arisen is what drives them and they say it is like a drug for them. They are finding that with the help of omega 3 given at early ages and throughout lives high dosages can help to relieve the symptoms and help to cure it. I am not saying a cure has been found, but this can help. Also not all sociopaths kill. I want to make this clear. Some individuals were abused and it leads them to this like the gentleman who cannot even tell you how many people he has killed. Another man was caught at seventeen. One of the killers who was also a rapist claimed he killed them so they did not have the pain he did from his own abuse. There is a flip side. For those who do not know I believe not just in health psychology, but environmental. It has been proven that not all sociopaths kill. If they are raised and shown how to love they can be good functioning members of society and have no desire to hurt another person. These individuals are benine, not malignant and thus will not hurt a fly. They are loving but were taught right from wrong and follow it. They have known what it is to be loved and thus love back even though it is not in their nature to have emotions they learn. They are trained and thus clearing the name of a sociopath from always being evil. There are exceptions to the grand rule. Thus proving environment and health play major factors in one's life concluding diet can help and so can a loving family.

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