Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Dont let it define you

as I sit pondering why I started this blog the reason is clear. I want to make it clear of who I am to those around me and this is my way of dealing with my new diagnosis of bipolar disorder. One thing I have had to learn is I am not bipolar. I merely show the symptoms of it and am medicated for it. It does not define me. Yes it affects me but only if I let it. You see you can control anything if you try mental illness is no difference. The first step is admitting you have it. Like a drug addict has to admit they have a drug problem or an anorexic has to admit they have an eating disorder you have to admit you have a mental problem. It can be controlled with extensive therapy and medication. After awhile you can even go off the medication if you can control yourself. It is hard, I know but you cannot let it control you. just like you cant let the wind knock you down or the ice make you fall you have to take the steps to prevent it. Like taking small steps. You cannot just simply say I am better. It takes time and it is worth it but you have to be ready to accept who you are and accept the fact you have an issue and need help first. Those are the first steps to heal.

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