Monday, March 14, 2011

Friends= therapy

After I finished having dinner at a friend's house I went over to another one's to drop off leftovers. It was interesting though because his roommate was also there whom I consider a friend as well. I find it interesting that when it comes to friends we tend to be each others own free personal therapists. Like tonight I ended up talking to this guy about some difficulties he was having and he was happy to have the food I brought over which he said was amazing. We ended up talking for two and a half hours about what all he was going through and it really made me think. I understand why I am a psychology major is because I tend to be a good listener and I love to give advice. I hand out free therapy by the cartloads and I love doing it. In life though friends are always there for you like I was there tonight to help you out and give you the advice you need and the free therapy that we all need once in a while even if you are a professional. That is why it is interesting that we call friends over the internet friends if we never talk to them and never confide in them at all. They are just people that are there so I wonder what they would do if we did confide in them like we did a person in life. What would they do? They cannot hug us and if we are only using IM they really cannot hear our voices thus we cannot hear the comfort or the tones that talking in person portrays. Even seeing a person is better than simply using facebook because the looks on people's face tell us everything we need to know. Just a fun fact about what I learned today and I am glad to know everyone I talk to I talk to in person and not over messaging.

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