Monday, March 7, 2011


It is interesting that in this world in this day and age all the opinions that arise. I also find it entertaining that I know someone who thinks I am too young to have an opinion even though I am a 21 year old college. Student- then again this person was not around when I was sixteen and was all about helping the invisible children and trying to help save the planet. I love protesting things, but they do not know that about me. What I find interesting is everyone has such different opinions and yet sometimes the strangest things we will share. For example in the middle east the Palestinians and the Jewish community hate each other. They have very, very different opinions, and yet they both are protesting and angry about the fact that certain cities in America are trying to ban circumcision. It is simply interesting the things that bring people together. No this will not stop them from fighting, but it shows a slithering of common ground that has never been seen before. Even here in Rexburg some opinions I have learned to simply keep to myself because I know that others will not agree. Thus there are certain subjects you will find I never voice my opinion even if you think you hear it. Funny thing about the mind it will tell you what you want it to tell you so it will sound like mine, but in reality it may be yours. I think that it what makes life interesting because our different opinions can bring around compromise that can bring around some amazing things. It can bring change which can be good and bad. Also sometimes one opinion can change the world. Thus it is amazing what the mind can bring and I love it dearly. The opinions we have are a part of us, something can eventually change it, but sometimes it is best not to change and sometimes and opinion will never change. They can be unbending as a mountain or spread as quickly as a wildfire,but that is what makes them beautiful. we have opinions about everything and everyone since that is how we think. I love the human mind because of these. Opinion is also part of why I started this blog. Anyone reading this or who has read anything of mine in the past can tell I tend to be quite opinionated. There are things I may never post on this blog, but that is because I do not want to start an uproar and some things it is best just to keep to yourself. In the end though an opinion is something to be respected and in my humble opinion you are never too young to have one. It can be shaped, but it is still there even if it was created by another at some point in time. You can still have opinions of your own even at young ages. That is part of what makes life good.

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