Monday, February 7, 2011

The crossroads

It seems in any place there is that one hangout where everyone seems to go and mingle. I remember in high school we would all go to this shopping center and hang out there. In large communities it seems to be places like the mall or parks. At BYUI it is the crossroads. Hence if you wanna see someone just stick around there long enough. Chances are you will run into them and then you can say what you want to say. For those whom are unfamiliar with what I am talking about the crossroads is basically the school cafeteria, except a lot bigger and is great to cut through on your way across campus. It is interesting though because like any environment everyone has their spots and this is ours. Frankly I love it because I seem to get more homework done when I am surrounded by people since I am an extrovert. When I am by myself I tend to find myself wandering onto facebook and listening to music, or blogging. Right now however I am simply in the library with a couple of friends and no homework. Free time? I think yes! Anyways it is interesting in society how we all tend to mingle towards certain areas. It seems every group has them. I remember when I was in high school they let us sit in whichever place we wanted for lunch. Everyone had lunch at the same time and thus we were not limited to the cafeteria. Thus I found the bulk of my friends sat by the auditorium which was coined the artistic area. I tended to move around and did not have one area, but most people did. I find it interesting how we do not even realize we do this but we just do it instinctively. I know I just simply love to go to the crossroads and I love the large open space and seeing my friends. I wonder though why everyone else goes. We all have our reasons.

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