Thursday, February 3, 2011


The one thing I find I gravitate to no matter what seems to be are my siblings. They are always there for me even if they do not understand what is going on. I love them so much they are the reason i went into public speaking when I was younger. I guess I had better explain things a bit I am the first of three children to go to college even though I am the youngest. My two siblings dropped out of high school. This was their personal choice and I admire them for marching to their own beat even if it may have seemed wrong in the eyes of someone else. The truth is though they have reading dyslexia thus it is harder for them to learn than most people. They do not think like most the people I have met since they also have learning disabilities and are very artistic. It has made me stronger though watching them struggle because I know I do not have it that bad, not really. It is because of them I push myself to the limits to get an education and be the best person I can be. It was for them I graduated high school and did public speaking to the point I ended up speaking in front of the state senate for my state and the board of education and I have spoken at Johns Hopkins University. I have won awards, but they are not important to me because I know my family is proud of me and I made my point very clear. What all this comes down to is behind every person there is something driving them to do what they do. Mine was and is the love I have for my siblings and my defense of them.
Family is to this day one of the driving forces in peoples lives and it is extremely important. Those people whether you hate them or love them shape you. No one can change that. Sometimes it sucks but that is where you learn from the situation. I love my family as dysfunctional as they may seem to others they are a part of me and that will never change. Sometimes they really do not know what it is I am going through because I did grow up differently from my siblings I had more opportunities. I have been trained and grew up sadly quite differently from them because I always had someone to turn to and I had my church and the people in it to help me and shape me. They had themselves and the situations going on at home that I escaped. Granted I have had my trials. I worked to help support my family and I remember times when we did not know what we would eat for dinner or when our next meal would be. These still happen even when I go home from college, but no matter what I will always help them. After all my only disability is I am deaf due to unknown causes. Yes I grew up in the same household as them with a single parent who has been unemployed since I was twelve and has her own disability. Unlike them though I have always had good friends and public speaking as well as school and church to fall back on and they have not been so lucky. They have had their people and we have each handled our lives differently. Our outlooks on life are different and that will not change anytime soon, but I still love them. I may be changing as I am gone and I could feel the fact I grew apart from them while I was home last time, but that does not change anything I still love them. That is my driving force and it may never change until I have my own children to look after then it may transfer to them, but I will always be there for my siblings. I miss them dearly while I am away at college, but I think about them every day and miss them every day. Family is important and having a good relationship if it is likely is important. They are the people who define who you are and help shape you whether you like it or not. They are the ones who have your back. Granted some have their issues. Some may not be good to be around but this is the case with most families and I find it sad that in this age the family unit seems to not be as important to some people and the family is diminishing.

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