Tuesday, February 8, 2011

First impressions

Ok so I cannot sleep until I write this down. Today I kept coming across a topic that sadly we do quite quickly. In a mere matter of seconds in fact. Our first impressions of someone. Within one second this is made for the good or the bad. We do not even know we are doing it and the effects can be detrimental. For example my first impression of this one person was that they were an arrogant jerk. I take back that statement and have found I misunderstood. Sadly I know my first impression will never go away it will always be there, but I can ensure my future impressions of this person are good. Besides I know people's first impressions of me are not always good. I can come off as mean, arrogant, and very, very insecure. Even reading my older blog posts some may think that of me concluding I started this to deal with a bad situation. I have dealt with it and also I have found that when I go home I tend to get depressed. Thus what I write is affected and thus my first impression installed may come off quite bad. I find it ironic because these are all things I try to avoid doing, yet I come off that way. On the flip side I have come off as extremely intelligent, sweet, and have enough love to fill the world over and over again. Ironically I wish I could say that I am always that way, but I know I have my bad points like everyone else and there are different types of intelligences. I think it is suffice to say by the impressions left by anyone that we can judge a little off kilter. Sadly though as it is it still is human nature to do this and that will never change. I know I am trying really hard not to follow my own first impressions of people, but I do not know if I can say the same for others. After all on deeper thought I would not be friends with my best friend up here concluding my first impression of her was a stiffo who will tell on me for every little thing that I do and has to have everything perfect. For the record that "stiffo" enjoyed waking me up with a whooppie cushion every morning my first semester and makes me look like a clean freak. Funny enough I came off quite badly to her. Yet she is one of my closest confidantes even though I still just wish she would stop hacking my facebook and I am glad this blog is safe so far.

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