Monday, February 14, 2011


OK so this is something I know I am personally accountable for, but I am working on. Talking negative. Have you noticed how what you say sometimes can simply bring someone down? Well, I have and I hate it. I hate that feeling and yet we all seem to do it. The thing is when you do this it may make yourself feel better when you are talking about them and lift you up, but then you may see that person later and go "oh no! Not them! Why them?" You do not even realize it but you lose some respect for that person. The people you say that too also can lose respect for you. I know I have lost respect for people because of this and there are some people I simply do not like to be around because they bring me down. It does not even have to be talking bad about someone, but it can be simply complaining about something frivolous like someone made your sandwich wrong in the cafeteria. Or even that good old saying of "UGH! I have soo much homework! Why me? I hate that professor!" Ok if he tells you to write a fifty page essay on the weekend and it is due on Monday with no warning I say yeah I totally agree, but if he gives you a few weeks then seriously I can think of worse things. After we say something like this though what does that accomplish? I mean really what does it accomplish? Granted you feel good in that moment of release, but it is only momentarily. That statement will not get your homework done now will it? Then after saying things like this have you noticed it kind of leads to bigger things? It usually does and then it sucks. Also have you noticed there comes a point where you start ignoring the complainer and then you eventually stop hanging around them? I have and then you kind of lose a good friend. Seriously it is not worth it. I would rather keep my friends and talk positive than lose everyone and talk negative. By the way when you talk negative you also change your thinking to negative.

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