Sunday, February 20, 2011

Slack lining

Today for the first time in my life I went slack lining. For those whom have never heard of this it is where you walk on a long rope in the middle of the air. Another name for it is a tightrope. You can see it at the circus and it is amazingly fun. In order to do this you need balance and you need to concentrate as well as have the confidence that you can do it. For those who know me you know very well I am a klutz and I have had more broken bones and stitches than most people. I found it interesting for beginners you need to hold on to someone. Imagine you have to trust someone you may not know very well with your whole entire body weight. You have to be able to trust that they will not move and they will be there for you. Also in order to put a slack line up you have to have a bunch of people pull it tight. It takes real teamwork. It is not easy by any means and until tonight I had no idea what it took. I am in awe how much it takes to just simply walk a line. If you think about it you can relate this to life. In life we need people as much as we need someone to help put up a slack line. In life we also need to trust in order to make it to the end. Even if you do not need help in the end you need help in the beginning to accomplish the goal. Think about it. You may not even remember, but just about every job and everything you do someone helped you learn it now didn't they? Except for your basic reflexes just about everything you do was learned and thus you had to trust someone to do it. In life we all fall down and most of us have had someone to help pick us up at some point. It is interesting with slack lining you have to build confidence and balance in order to get better and in life confidence is important to get by and get that big promotion and what not. Thus if you think about it you can learn a lot from slack lining. I never thought about any of this until I did it myself and now I totally know what I am going to be doing on my Saturday nights when I do not have concrete plans.

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