Monday, February 7, 2011


I have to say this semester I have been very lucky. with roommates it is like playing Russian roulette. You never know what you are going to get. For example last semester I got a roommate whom seemed to over proportion everything and made me feel like I was a little ant under a magnifying glass. We were just too different and we could not make it work. She is extremely clean and I am allergic to cleaning products. Literally I was hospitalized for blood poisoning, toxic shock syndrome, anaphelectic shock, and medical with drawl because of my allergies to bleach and hair products. I became hypersensitive after this and had to go into rehab all because I worked at a hair salon washing peoples hair. Go figure right? Anyways ma and this roommate could not seem to set aside our differences. I tried getting natural cleaners and she tried to ignore the fact that I do not mind keeping my dorm door unlocked when I am home and climbing through the window when she has locked the door. She also liked drama and I prefer to avoid causing or being in the middle of drama.See the differences coming out? Anyways this semester I am lucky, I won the roommate lottery.I have three amazing and I really mean amazing roommates. First they compliment each other and me every chance they get. Second we love to cook together, talk together, and clean together. We get along superb. Our place is open for whomever wants to stop by and I love it. We seem not to judge. In fact we have a no gossip rule which I love. Heck right now I am drinking cocoa and enjoying the company of one of my roommates. I like being able to talk about anything with them and sharing ideas. I love the fact that we are different, but we will compromise on things and we give each other our space. To me this is an ideal situation when living with three girls from totally different backgrounds. I am the happiest I have been in a long time with my living situation. I have my space and I can let my go with the flow attitude go through. I feel like I am rooming with my best friends. I have even started cooking for them without fear of criticism for my "this plus this equals awesome deliciousness!!" and for me as a cooking minor is important. I love also the fact they will compromise with me on it and I can learn more. I love in general compromising with them and being with them. I am truly blessed this semester.

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